The Kitáb-i-Íqán : The Book of Certitude
Glossary and Notes
The sixth of the Shí‘íh Imáms. Known also as Abú-‘Abdi’lláh
The Divine Lote Tree, the Tree beyond which there is no passing. The name of a tree planted by the Arabs in ancient times at the end of a road to serve as a guide. As a symbol it denotes the Manifestation of God in His Day.
Literally Branch.
An ancient Prophet to the Arabs, mentioned in the Qur’án, súrih 7:73-79. Some commentators identify him with the Ṣalíḥ of Gen. 11:13.
See Rúz-bih
Literally soft flowing. A fountain in Paradise.
A magician employed by Pharaoh as a rival to Moses. According to Muslims, it was he, not Aaron, who made the golden calf.
Seal of the Prophets
One of the titles of Muḥammad.
The Septs were the tribes of Israel.
Seven Martyrs of Ṭihrán
Seven followers of the Báb in Ṭihrán who were executed for their refusal to recant their belief in the Báb.
Shaykh Aḥmad-i-Aḥsá’í
The first of the two forerunners of the Báb, born a.d 1753, founder of the Shaykhí School and author of 96 books. Died 1831.
A town in southern Arabia, referred to in Gen. 10: 28; I Kings 10; II Chron. 9. Symbolically it stands for a dwelling place, a home.
Literally faction, party, sect: partisians of ‘Alí and of his descendents as the sole lawful successor of the Prophet Muḥammad. The problem of succession divides Islám generally into two schools of opinion. According to one view, represented chiefly by the Shí‘ihs, the regency is a spiritual matter determined by the Prophet and by those who so succeed Him. According to the other view, that of the Sunnites, the succession goes by popular choice. The Caliphs of the Sunnites is the outward and visible Defender of