The Kitáb-i-Aqdas
that, in deciding whether to do so or not, the believer should use wisdom and realize that Bahá’u’lláh has granted these exemptions for good reason.
The prescribed exemption from obligatory prayer, originally related to the Obligatory Prayer consisting of nine rak’áhs, is now applicable to the three Obligatory Prayers which superseded it.
21.When travelling, if ye should stop and rest in some safe spot, perform ye—men and women alike—a single prostration in place of each unsaid Obligatory Prayer ¶14
Exemption from obligatory prayer is granted to those who find themselves in such a condition of insecurity that the saying of the Obligatory Prayers is not possible. The exemption applies whether one is travelling or at home, and it provides a means whereby Obligatory Prayers which have remained unsaid on account of these insecure circumstances may be compensated for.
Bahá’u’lláh has made it clear that obligatory prayer “is not suspended during travel” so long as one can find a “safe spot” in which to perform it (Q and A 58).
Numbers 21, 58, 59, 60, and 61 in Questions and Answers amplify this provision.
22.Upon completing your prostrations, seat yourselves cross-legged ¶14
The Arabic expression “haykalu’t-tawḥíd”, translated here as “cross-legged”, means the “posture of unity”. It has traditionally signified a cross-legged position.
23.Say: God hath made My hidden love the key to the Treasure ¶15
There is a well-known Islamic tradition concerning God and His creation: