This site is a miscellanea of mostly Bahá’í content. Content is regularly being updated, even if not in all areas; comes from having too many things on the go at once. No matter. Explore, browse. It is hoped that you will find here what you are seeking. And should you wish to provide feedback or suggestions, feel free to
email me.
With greetingsRomane
The Kitáb-i-Aqdas Project is a slowly developing presentation of the Most Holy Book of the Bahá’í Revelation. It includes audio files, a Study Guide, as well as various newly created indices.
Note that this section of Miscellanie is at this time more under sporadic attention than regular attention.
This is the section recieving almost all of the attention at the moment. Content consists of Bahá’í Works which have been translated into English, certain ancillary documents, some audio, and the beginnings of the inclusion of the Sacred Texts of other Faiths. Documents are available as: dead-tree page by dead-tree page; all on one page HTML; ePub; PDF. The following are contained in this section:
Ancillary documents (Acronyms; A-Z; Glossary; Arabic & Fársí transcription list and glossary for Bahá’ís; Pamphlets etc; Character sets, A Pocketful of Meaning
This HTML document is presented with the very kind permission of the author of the initial Microsoft Word document, a document he has worked on for quite a number of years. This is a large HTML document and will take a little time to display, but once loaded in the browser is quite responsive as the List is all on one page.
This List is under constant attention by the author, and as such it will be continually amended and enhanced with new entries.
Latest Word document revision online: 2 September 2024
Latest HTML update online: 6 September 2024 (for Word document 2 September 2024)
A compilation of quotes from the Bahá’í Authoritative Texts which define some of the meanings of terms and symbols as used throughout the Sacred Texts of the world.
With the very kind permission of the copyright holders, the compilation Reality, Soul and the Worlds of God is reproduced here. Links to the web page of the copyright holders will be found on the entry page, and at the end of the “Foreword”.
A Brief Selection Pamphlets on numerous subjects
Pamphlets in .pdf format on various Bahá’í subjects, each with a few short quotes. Print double-sided and fold. Suitable for a variety of purposes.
A work in progress.
Though only a very limited number of files are available overall as at this date (24 November 2017 Gregorian), recording is underway to fully fill these pages, albeit work progresses slowly.
A collection of Bahá’í documents in .pdf format. Both official, as well as private compliations are presented. To date, a total of 168 compilations.
Initial inspiration and data for these pages is the Glossary found in the volume Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986, beginning on page 729. Where relevant, entries have been brought up to date, while a few others others have been reworded. All entries have been re-formatted. Entries from other Works and volumes have been included, and new entries added. Entries have a link to the A-Z where relevant. New entries are being added on an ongoing basis.
The blood of many thousands has been sacrificed for the Cause of God in this age, right up to the present day. Listed here are just the few that have been able to glean from the documents and Texts available to this self. In memory of all those whose names we have no record of, there is a symbolic list following the list of known names. Names will continue to be added slowly over time as further resources are explored. Sources are listed at the bottom of the page.
A small selection of images from my Pilgrimage to Haifa and ‘Akká in 2009, with accompanying quotes from the Bahá’í Sacred Texts. This is not a travelogue, as will be seen by even a quick perusal of the content.
Over time it is hoped that a collection of useful tools will be collected/developed and be accessible from here. At this time, only one tool is available - printable invitation cards for Devotional Meetings, and a generic card to invite to any other activity.
A Chronological History of the Bahá’í Faith
Very much a work in progress - as can be seen by the dates below very little attention has been given for some time.
This information has been compiled from a variety of sources. Please bear in mind that am no historian; this compilation is simply the outcome of my own curiosity. Depending on sources, there may be some inaccuracies. They will remain available in .pdf format, even though incomplete. Formatting in these versions is quite basic, but functional. As the files are updated with more dates and any corrections they will be uploaded for free access. The first online version was uploaded on 5 November 2008.
This version: 3 January 2009.
An index to a selection of personal meditations, thoughts, concepts and ideas on subjects mostly (but not always) related to the Bahá’í Faith. As I only sometimes take the time to actually put these in writing, the collection is small (at this time, very very small). No claim is made, nor can it ever be made, that these are authoritive; in fact, being of human source, there is a strong likelihood that they are erroneous. They are offered in the hope that better minds, in their study of the Sacred Texts, may find in these something that will trigger a line of beneficial thought.
Compiled to date: 339 names
Last update: 24 September 2017
It could justifiably be said that this effort is a futile, even a wasted exercise, for it is stated in the Holy Texts that God is the Possessor of infinite names. It is thus that this is an exercise that can never be completed. No matter; as more names are found they will be added.
The source for each of these names is solely those found within the Texts of the Bahá’í Faith; i.e. in the Works of the Báb, Bahá’u’lláh and of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Names that, in my subjective (and most possibly erroneous) judgement, are references solely to the Manifestations Themselves, have not been added — this despite that the Holy Texts say that They and God are, in specified ways, identical - read the
Kitáb-i-Íqan to ascertain these specified ways.
The exercise has been undertaken to satisfy my own curiosity. This curiosity was enkindled some years ago when, in a study of one of the books of the Ruhi series, four, each with an identical list of the names of God, were assigned each to a corner of the room, while the remainder sat with eyes closed and in a meditative frame of mind in the centre of these four, facing the designated “front” of the room. Each of the four then, in turn (clockwise or anticlockwise does not matter), read aloud a name of God from the list in their possession. This list was short enough that the participants were not wearied by the recital, that at the end of the recital we felt that its length had been perfectly sufficient.
A link back to this page will be found at the top and bottom of the list of the Names of God. Either that, or just use the browser’s “Back” button to return here.
Something interesting seen when idling through the Internet some when ago.
The original of this document (to which this item previously linked) appears to have vanished off the face of the Internet. Until such a time as it can be re-located and a new link to it placed here, my local copy of it will be presented here.
A link back to this page will be found at the bottom of the document. Either that, or you can use the browser’s “Back” button to return here.
Links to other sites. Three sections - official Bahá’í sites, personal/private Bahá’í sites, and other sites the maintainer of Miscellanie finds useful and/or interesting.