The Kitáb-i-Aqdas : The Most Holy Book
Questions and Answers
prerequisite to marriage, or is that of the parents on one side sufficient? Is this law applicable only to virgins or to others as well?
Answer:Marriage is conditional upon the consent of the parents of both parties to the marriage, and in this respect it maketh no difference whether the bride be a virgin or otherwise.
14Question:The believers have been enjoined to face in the direction of the Qiblih when reciting their Obligatory Prayers; in what direction should they turn when offering other prayers and devotions?
Answer:Facing in the direction of the Qiblih is a fixed requirement for the recitation of obligatory prayer, but for other prayers and devotions one may follow what the merciful Lord hath revealed in the Qur’án: “Whichever way ye turn, there is the face of God.”
15Question:Concerning the remembrance of God in the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár “at the hour of dawn”.
Answer:Although the words “at the hour of dawn” are used in the Book of God, it is acceptable to God at the earliest dawn of day, between dawn and sunrise, or even up to two hours after sunrise.
16Question:Is the ordinance that the body of the deceased should be carried no greater distance than one hour’s journey applicable to transport by both land and sea?
Answer:This command applieth to distances